Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Lazy Ladies in the States

Living in Japan has already showed me clearly that we are very lazy in the United States.

They walk EVERYWHERE here. I swear I should have brought better shoes.

And when they aren't walking... they are riding bicycles.

Forget "having children" being an excuse. Cause the women here are quick to strap a baby on their back and jump on a bicycle to go somewhere. IN HIGH HEELS mind you.

The fact that the women here walk for miles and miles, ride bicycles (and motorcycles at times) does not stop them from doing it in top fashion. Yes, you read right the first time. They walk for miles and ride bicycles with babies strapped on their back with skirts and high heel shoes on.

I feel very out of place walking around pushing Isaiah's stroller with my sneakers on. But, I must spare my feet cause I know that if I attempt to keep up with the Joneses I will suffer from hammertime for years! (For those of you who don't know what "hammertime" means, it basically means busted looked toes.)

Yesterday I had to drop Isaiah off at his Japanese school for the afternoon and it was pouring raining outside. I was baffled as to what I could do to keep the rain off of us. Clearly he is way to heavy for me to try to carry a full mile... and I can't push this umbrella stroller and hold an umbrella over our heads. Not to mention I JUST flatironed my hair.

So... I had to sacrifice the hairstyle and threw on a sweatshirt and took the umbrella to hold over my baby's head so at least he wouldn't get wet.

I have found the true Superwomen of the world. Here in Japan they do it all... and without attitude.

I've got some lessons to learn... clearly.

Creative Mai

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