Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Don't Be Jealous

Last weekend my friends got together and had a ball in New York City.

If you look to the right, you will see Lauren, Joslyn, Angie, and Dom just having a grand ole time at a club.

Am I jealous??? YEAH.

Sike... I gotta admit, seeing the pictures DID make me miss my girls a whole lot, but I am so happy they had a great time.. Afterall, they deserve it.

I remember the last time we partied hard in New York. We thought we were the hype squad of the club and so did everyone else! We danced and danced and laughed and sang like nobody was watching...

Maybe I can convince one of them to come over here to club with me in Tokyo....

Get your passports ready ladies!

If you had to guess what these 4 ladies did for a living what would you say? Well, Lauren is an interior designer, Joslyn (excuse me Dr. JBones) is a doctor, and Angie and Dominique are both actresses (also juggling other professions). An eclectic crew huh? Think that's untraditional you should see us when we all get together!!!

This post is dedicated to all my homies who ain't here :)


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