Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Fire Beneath My Rear End

I almost got fired by one of my important clients today.

I've been a bit behind on my work lately, and missed some of my deadlines. He is running an important corporation, so he was not happy about this... to say the least.

So, I tried to resolve the situation and sent him some work. I could tell he was still upset with me, cause he only sent one sentence in response.

"I have read your work and I must admit it is very impressive." end of email

Whew, that was a close one.

Isaiah has been sick nonstop the past couple of weeks. That daycare is like a setup. They must have a thing going with the medical system here. Some kind of kickback based on the amount of kids you send there from your school. So, I have been running a bed and breakfast and an infirmary here at the apartment 24-7. Hence, my work has suffered.

anyway, that's why there have been no updates. But I will scare my japanese scary story soon.


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