Friday, November 24, 2006

Freezing My Buns Off in Japan

Okay. It's so freakin COLD in our apartment in Japan!!!

Now... I must say that I have experienced different types of cold in various countries on different continents but the cold that i experience here in Japan is the kind that can make you go crazy!!

It's not that it's so cold outside... but it is so freaking cold inside of our apartment. We have an air conditioning unit that is supposed to function sufficiently as a heating system... but it only stays on for 5 minutes at a time.. in which it turns off. And you have to go walk over to it and double click in order for it to come back on again.

So, if you can imagine. This gets to be very cumbersome when you are trying to go to sleep. But, if you don't continue to get up and double click you run the risk of waking up with a cold!

Poor Mike, he has to wear super warm socks to bed because his feet and legs hang off the edge of our Japanese bed.

Shoot... I wish I could find one of those pajamas like Isaiah's. You know the one-piece pajamas with the enclosed feet that are made of fleece.

Hold please. I must double-click now.

What are we going to do when it begins snowing outside??

Tonight it's 39 degrees.... but I swear I can see my breath and I don't mean it stinks either.

Someone please email me an electric heater!!!

Freezin My Buns Off In Japan,


Crazy 88's Thanksgiving

Were you a Kill Bill fan?

Wait till you get a load of these photos.

The restaurant where we ate Thanksgiving was like the scene from Kill Bill Vol1 Crazy 88's. When we arrived it was liked walking onto a movie set! There was a river running throughout the bottom of the restaurant with bridges and fish swimming in it.

We ate upstairs in a private room... with about 25 of Mike's teammates and wives/girlfriends. The woman sat together and all of the men sat at the other tables.

When we first got there Isaiah screamed when he saw Andrew Ecker's coat because it has fur all around the hood like a polar bear. It took a while for Mike to calm him down. But... once he was calm he was very happy to see everyone.

We ate Sukiyaki and Syabu Syabu together... and it was very VERY Oishii de su ne! (Delicious)

It was all you can eat and we were stuffed by the time we left there.

We are very grateful to have such an amazing group of friends around us here in Sendai.

Domo Arigato!


Free Gmail Invites


I have about 90 Gmail invites, for anyone who wants a Google email account. Most of my friends already have gmail accounts.... so if you need one send me a message!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Taxi From Hell

Today I had to go to the mall to pick up some things for Isaiah. Before I knew it... it was 2:55, and Mike's game started at 3pm online. So, I decided to take a taxi home.

Bad move.

I put the bags and Isaiah into the taxt... then the stroller...then finally I sat down. Before I could get in all the way "BAMMMMM"! I could feel the tears begin to well up in my eyes as the pain radiated in my ankle. I told myself "Don't cry... Don't cry. Be strong." The driver looked at me with his mouth dropped open. He began to speak in Japanese. I just put my hand up and politely asked him to stop. I needed a moment. I looked at my ankle... already beginning to bruise and swell.

I said, "Please... take me home" (in Japanese)

If you see an American limping down the street pushing a stroller in the freezing cold thats me.

Friday, November 10, 2006


Dear Khari,

We wanted to wish you a VERY Happy Birthday on Skype earlier today... but I think you were still at school when we called and talked to your mom. So, this is our official Japanese shout out to a very special "young man" who is celebrating his birthday (with class) in China this year.

We love you Khari. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!


Auntie Mai & Zaiah too!

What the CRAP??!?! Everything is in Japanese

Okay... this is SO not funny.

Somehow I have triggered our computer to only show webpages in Japanese... which of course creates a heck of a problem for me when I am trying to write a new blog post and can figure out which buttons mean what and the website.

I must figure this out soon..

Yes, I am a habitual blog neglecter. I have had my hands full with lots of work (The Gift and The Curse Pt.2). And Mike's season officially began this week so we had events to attend here in Sendai.

Crazy stalker person is sending me crazy messages to my cellphone once again... even more out of control than before.

And I made the nastiest Udon ever... and I mean EVER. I tried everything to make it taste better... miso paste, seasonings... nothing worked. I will stick to making things I know how to cook... like chicken and okra.
