Friday, November 10, 2006

What the CRAP??!?! Everything is in Japanese

Okay... this is SO not funny.

Somehow I have triggered our computer to only show webpages in Japanese... which of course creates a heck of a problem for me when I am trying to write a new blog post and can figure out which buttons mean what and the website.

I must figure this out soon..

Yes, I am a habitual blog neglecter. I have had my hands full with lots of work (The Gift and The Curse Pt.2). And Mike's season officially began this week so we had events to attend here in Sendai.

Crazy stalker person is sending me crazy messages to my cellphone once again... even more out of control than before.

And I made the nastiest Udon ever... and I mean EVER. I tried everything to make it taste better... miso paste, seasonings... nothing worked. I will stick to making things I know how to cook... like chicken and okra.


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